Do you know when you come back from a Holiday and you can’t stop talking about the wonders of the place you’ve just visited? Well, this is happening to me at the moment with Bermuda so I thought that writing a blog post (actually two) about the wonders of this charming island was a necessity. Gotham […] Read more…
Directorio Deco
Tulip mania
Tulip season is a major event in Holland. Part of the country is transformed into a vast sea of flowers from mid-March to mid-May. It starts with crocus season in March, which is followed by daffodils and hyacinths. Finally, the tulips show their gorgeous colours, this is from mid-April through the first week of May. […] Read more…
The Embroideries of Lagartera
The commission to decorate the library of the Hispanic Society of America decisively marked the life of Sorolla, not only because of the commitment to transmit to the American public an image of the country that reflected the national identity but also because it prevented him from dedicating valuable time to other artistic endeavours. The […] Read more…