Directorio Deco by Gloria Gonzalez

Chinoiserie Fantasy

The Russian Empress Catherine the Great commissioned The Chinese Village in the 18th century as a chinoiserie fantasy. Ten guest pavilions encircling the pagoda complete the village, which is meticulously maintained to its original appearance. As no historical documentation exists for the interiors, when Kirill Istomin was asked to decorate one of the cottages, the […] Read more…

Bamboo House

Winter might not be over but this beautiful Mustique Bamboo House redesigned by Veere Grenney surely will help me to daydream about warmer weather and exotic destinations. Images: House & Garden. David Oliver photography Read more…

In Conversation: Nicola Lawrence

Nicola Lawrence, Textiles and Papers is an Australian retail business specialising in artisanal, hand blocked and hand screen printed textiles and wallpapers of exceptional design and quality. Today we are discovering a bit more about Nicola and her business.   Hello Nicola, it is such a pleasure for me to have you opening my new […] Read more…