‘Nothing dates faster than a printed fabric- unless of course, it’s one of those timeless prints that defy shifts in style’ Marylin Bethany – Interiors: What Works (New York Magazine, 1987)
The iconic ‘Verriéres’ fabric has been in the Brunsching & Fils line since 1960 (Known in Europe as ‘Batik’ – Le Manach/Pierre Frey) On today’s blog post I’m sharing some fabulous rooms where this timeless chintz makes all the difference.
Louise de Vilmorin in her Salon Bleu in Château de Vilmorin at Verrières -le-Buisson, where te fabric got its name. Source: Paris Match
Another view of the Salon Bleu
Verrieres in the bedroom of Nadine Baroness de Rothschild at her cottage in Brattany
A chair upholstered in Verrieres (1970s) Source: The Peak of Chic blog
Mario Buatta’s Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse, 1984 . Architectural Digest
Mario Buatta’s Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse, 1984 . Architectural Digest
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